Source code for welltrajconvert.wellbore_trajectory

from welltrajconvert.calculable_object import *
from welltrajconvert.base import *

[docs]class WellboreTrajectory(CalculableObject): def __init__(self, data=None): """ DirectionalSurvey object with a wells directional survey info Attributes: directional_survey_points (Dataclass Object) DataObject object """ = data self.deviation_survey_obj = DeviationSurvey(**
[docs] def crs_transform(self, crs_in: str): """ If surface x and y are provied instead of surface latitude and longitude then the crs_transform needs to be run. This takes in a crs input and transforms the surface x y to surface lat lon, in the WGS84 projection space. find crs transform input here: '' :parameter: ------- crs_to: str (ie. 'EPSG:4326') :return: ------- None :examples: ------- # with only surface x and y provided you must use the crs transform >>> well_dict = { ... "wellId": "well_A", ... "md": [5600.55, 5800.0, 5900.0], ... "inc": [85.03, 89.91, 90.97], ... "azim": [27.59, 26.69, 26.72], ... "surface_x": 759587.9344401711, ... "surface_y": 3311661.864849136 ... } >>> dev_obj = WellboreTrajectory(well_dict) # get wellbore trajectory object >>> dev_obj.crs_transform(crs_to='epsg:32638') # requires `crs_transform` >>> dev_obj.deviation_survey_obj # view data obj # calculates the surface lat and long DeviationSurvey( wellId='well_A', md=array([5600.55, 5800., 5900.]), inc=array([85.03, 89.91, 90.97]), azim=array([27.59, 26.69, 26.72]), surface_latitude=29.90829443997491, surface_longitude=47.68852083021084, tvd=None, n_s_deviation=None, e_w_deviation=None, dls=None, surface_x=759587.9344401711, surface_y=3311661.864849136, x_points=None, y_points=None, zone_number=None, zone_letter=None, latitude_points=None, longitude_points=None, isHorizontal=None ) """ crs_out = "EPSG:4326" x = self.deviation_survey_obj.surface_x y = self.deviation_survey_obj.surface_y self.deviation_survey_obj.surface_latitude, self.deviation_survey_obj.surface_longitude = \ crs_transformer(crs_from=crs_out, crs_to=crs_in, x=x, y=y)
[docs] def minimum_curvature_algorithm(self): """ Calculate TVD, n_s_deviation, e_w_deviation, and dls values along the wellbore using md, inc, and azim arrays :parameter: ------- None :return: ------- calculated np.array values tvd: np.array dls: np.array e_w_deviation: np.array n_s_deviation: np.array :examples: ------- >>> well_dict = { ... "wellId": "well_A", ... "md": [5600.55, 5800.0, 5900.0], ... "inc": [85.03, 89.91, 90.97], ... "azim": [27.59, 26.69, 26.72], ... "surface_latitude": 29.90829444, ... "surface_longitude": 47.68852083 ... } >>> dev_obj = WellboreTrajectory(well_dict) # get wellbore trajectory object >>> dev_obj.minimum_curvature_algorithm() # calc min curve algo >>> dev_obj.deviation_survey_obj # view data obj DeviationSurvey( wellId='well_A', md=array([5600.55, 5800. , 5900. ]), inc=array([85.03, 89.91, 90.97]), azim=array([27.59, 26.69, 26.72]), surface_latitude=29.90829444, surface_longitude=47.68852083, tvd=array([0., 8.80141137, 8.03341735]), n_s_deviation=array([0., 177.2584235 , 266.58772113]), e_w_deviation=array([0., 90.86066456, 135.79840877]), dls=array([0., 2.44319979, 1.05999298]), surface_x=None, surface_y=None, x_points=None, y_points=None, zone_number=None, zone_letter=None, latitude_points=None, longitude_points=None, isHorizontal=None ) """ # get md, inc, and azim arrays md = inc = azim = self.deviation_survey_obj.azim # Convert to Radians inc_rad = np.multiply(inc, 0.0174533) azim_rad = np.multiply(azim, 0.0174533) # Shift all array values +1 md_shift = shift(md, 1, cval=np.NaN) inc_rad_shift = shift(inc_rad, 1, cval=np.NaN) azim_rad_shift = shift(azim_rad, 1, cval=np.NaN) # calculate beta (dog leg angle) beta = np.arccos( np.cos(inc_rad - inc_rad_shift) - (np.sin(inc_rad_shift) * np.sin(inc_rad) * (1 - np.cos(azim_rad - azim_rad_shift))) ) # convert first nan value to 0 beta[np.isnan(beta)] = 0 # dog leg severity per 100 ft dls = (beta * 57.2958 * 100) / (md - md_shift) dls[np.isnan(dls)] = 0 # calculate ratio factor (radians) # replace 0 for rf calc beta_no_zero = np.where(beta == 0, 1, beta) rf = np.where(beta == 0, 1, 2 / beta_no_zero * np.tan(beta_no_zero / 2)) # calculate total vertical depth tvd = ((md - md_shift) / 2) * (np.cos(inc_rad_shift) + np.cos(inc_rad)) * rf tvd[np.isnan(tvd)] = 0 tvd = np.cumsum(tvd, dtype=float) # calculating NS ns = ((md - md_shift) / 2) * ( np.sin(inc_rad_shift) * np.cos(azim_rad_shift) + np.sin(inc_rad) * np.cos(azim_rad)) * rf ns[np.isnan(ns)] = 0 n_s_deviation = np.cumsum(ns, dtype=float) # calculating EW ew = ((md - md_shift) / 2) * ( np.sin(inc_rad_shift) * np.sin(azim_rad_shift) + np.sin(inc_rad) * np.sin(azim_rad)) * rf ew[np.isnan(ew)] = 0 e_w_deviation = np.cumsum(ew, dtype=float) self.deviation_survey_obj.tvd = tvd self.deviation_survey_obj.dls = dls self.deviation_survey_obj.e_w_deviation = e_w_deviation self.deviation_survey_obj.n_s_deviation = n_s_deviation
[docs] def calculate_lat_lon_from_deviation_points(self): """ get latitude and longitude points along the wellbore using the minimum curvature algorithm generated values for the ns and ew deviations. :parameter: ------- e_w_deviation: np.array n_s_deviation: np.array required survey data: self.surface_latitude: float self.surface_longitude: float :return: ------- Calculated attributes for lat lon points longitude_points: np.array latitude_points: np.array zone_number: str zone_letter: str x_points: np.array y_points: np.array surface_x: np.array surface_y: np.array :examples: ------- # well dict with surface latitude and longitude >>> well_dict = { ... "wellId": "well_A", ... "md": [5600.55, 5800.0, 5900.0], ... "inc": [85.03, 89.91, 90.97], ... "azim": [27.59, 26.69, 26.72], ... "surface_latitude": 29.90829444, ... "surface_longitude": 47.68852083 ... } >>> dev_obj = WellboreTrajectory(well_dict) # get wellbore trajectory object >>> dev_obj.minimum_curvature_algorithm() # requires min curve >>> dev_obj.calculate_lat_lon_from_deviation_points() # calc lat lon dev points >>> dev_obj.deviation_survey_obj # view data obj DeviationSurvey( wellId='well_A', md=array([5600.55, 5800. , 5900. ]), inc=array([85.03, 89.91, 90.97]), azim=array([27.59, 26.69, 26.72]), surface_latitude=29.90829444, surface_longitude=47.68852083, tvd=array([0., 8.80141137, 8.03341735]), n_s_deviation=array([0., 177.2584235 , 266.58772113]), e_w_deviation=array([0., 90.86066456, 135.79840877]), dls=array([0., 2.44319979, 1.05999298]), surface_x=759587.9344401711, surface_y=3311661.864849136, x_points=array([759587.93444017, 759615.62877073, 759629.32579517]), y_points=array([3311661.86484914, 3311715.89321662, 3311743.12078654]), zone_number=38, zone_letter='R', latitude_points=array([29.90829435, 29.90877556, 29.90901812]), longitude_points=array([47.68852365, 47.68882331, 47.68897163]), isHorizontal=None ) # with only surface x and y provided >>> well_dict = { ... "wellId": "well_A", ... "md": [5600.55, 5800.0, 5900.0], ... "inc": [85.03, 89.91, 90.97], ... "azim": [27.59, 26.69, 26.72], ... "surface_x": 759587.9344401711, ... "surface_y": 3311661.864849136 ... } >>> dev_obj = WellboreTrajectory(well_dict) # get wellbore trajectory object >>> dev_obj.crs_transform(crs_to='epsg:32638') # requires `crs_transform` >>> dev_obj.minimum_curvature_algorithm() # requires min curve >>> dev_obj.calculate_lat_lon_from_deviation_points() # calc lat lon dev points >>> dev_obj.deviation_survey_obj # view data obj DeviationSurvey( wellId='well_A', md=array([5600.55, 5800. , 5900. ]), inc=array([85.03, 89.91, 90.97]), azim=array([27.59, 26.69, 26.72]), surface_latitude=29.90829443997491, surface_longitude=47.68852083021084, tvd=array([0., 8.80141137, 8.03341735]), n_s_deviation=array([0., 177.2584235 , 266.58772113]), e_w_deviation=array([0., 90.86066456, 135.79840877]), dls=array([0., 2.44319979, 1.05999298]), surface_x=759587.9344606012, surface_y=3311661.864846832, x_points=array([759587.9344606 , 759615.62879116, 759629.3258156 ]), y_points=array([3311661.86484683, 3311715.89321431, 3311743.12078423]), zone_number=38, zone_letter='R', latitude_points=array([29.90829435, 29.90877556, 29.90901812]), longitude_points=array([47.68852365, 47.68882331, 47.68897163]), isHorizontal=None ) """ surface_latitude = self.deviation_survey_obj.surface_latitude surface_longitude = self.deviation_survey_obj.surface_longitude e_w_deviation = self.deviation_survey_obj.e_w_deviation n_s_deviation = self.deviation_survey_obj.n_s_deviation # create X and Y deviation points and zone number and letter surface_x, surface_y, zone_number, zone_letter = utm.from_latlon(surface_latitude, surface_longitude) # add the x and y offset from the surface x and y for each point * meters conversion x_points = np.multiply(e_w_deviation, 0.3048) + surface_x y_points = np.multiply(n_s_deviation, 0.3048) + surface_y # create lat lon points along the wellbore from the x,y,zone number and leter latitude_points, longitude_points = utm.to_latlon(x_points, y_points, zone_number, zone_letter) self.deviation_survey_obj.longitude_points = longitude_points self.deviation_survey_obj.latitude_points = latitude_points self.deviation_survey_obj.zone_number = zone_number self.deviation_survey_obj.zone_letter = zone_letter self.deviation_survey_obj.x_points = x_points self.deviation_survey_obj.y_points = y_points self.deviation_survey_obj.surface_x = surface_x self.deviation_survey_obj.surface_y = surface_y
# TODO: get the angle value to work in **kwargs
[docs] def calculate_horizontal(self, horizontal_angle: Optional[float] = 88.0): """ calculate if the inclination of the wellbore is in its horizontal section. If the wellbore inclination is greater than 88 degrees then wellbore is horizontal else the well is vertical. :parameter: ------- None :return: ------- inc_hz: np.array """ inc = # get inc points # inc greater than 88 deg is horizontal, else vertical inc_hz = np.greater(inc, horizontal_angle) inc_hz = np.where((inc_hz == True), 'Horizontal', 'Vertical') self.deviation_survey_obj.isHorizontal = inc_hz
[docs] def calculate_survey_points(self, **kwargs): """ Run the minimum_curvature_algorithm, calculate_lat_lon_from_deviation_points, and calculate_horizontal methods to calculate the wells lat lon points and other attributes from provided md, inc, azim and surface lat lon or surface x y. :parameter: ------- None :return: ------- survey_points_obj: DirectionalSurvey obj :examples: ------- # well dict with surface latitude and longitude >>> well_dict = { ... "wellId": "well_A", ... "md": [5600.55, 5800.0, 5900.0], ... "inc": [85.03, 89.91, 90.97], ... "azim": [27.59, 26.69, 26.72], ... "surface_latitude": 29.90829444, ... "surface_longitude": 47.68852083 ... } >>> dev_obj = WellboreTrajectory(well_dict) # get wellbore trajectory object >>> dev_obj.calculate_survey_points() # runs through min curve algo, calc lat lon points, and calc horizontal >>> dev_obj.deviation_survey_obj # view data obj DeviationSurvey( wellId='well_A', md=array([5600.55, 5800., 5900. ]), inc=array([85.03, 89.91, 90.97]), azim=array([27.59, 26.69, 26.72]), surface_latitude=29.90829443997491, surface_longitude=47.68852083021084, tvd=array([0., 8.80141137, 8.03341735]), n_s_deviation=array([0., 177.2584235 , 266.58772113]), e_w_deviation=array([0., 90.86066456, 135.79840877]), dls=array([0., 2.44319979, 1.05999298]), surface_x=759587.9344606012, surface_y=3311661.864846832, x_points=array([759587.9344606 , 759615.62879116, 759629.3258156 ]), y_points=array([3311661.86484683, 3311715.89321431, 3311743.12078423]), zone_number=38, zone_letter='R', latitude_points=array([29.90829435, 29.90877556, 29.90901812]), longitude_points=array([47.68852365, 47.68882331, 47.68897163]), isHorizontal=array(['Vertical', 'Horizontal', 'Horizontal'], dtype='<U10') ) # with only surface x and y provided >>> well_dict = { ... "wellId": "well_A", ... "md": [5600.55, 5800.0, 5900.0], ... "inc": [85.03, 89.91, 90.97], ... "azim": [27.59, 26.69, 26.72], ... "surface_x": 759587.9344401711, ... "surface_y": 3311661.864849136 ... } >>> dev_obj = WellboreTrajectory(well_dict) # get wellbore trajectory object >>> dev_obj.crs_transform(crs_to='epsg:32638') # requires `crs_transform` >>> dev_obj.calculate_survey_points() # runs through min curve algo, calc lat lon points, and calc horizontal >>> dev_obj.deviation_survey_obj # view data obj DeviationSurvey( wellId='well_A', md=array([5600.55, 5800. , 5900. ]), inc=array([85.03, 89.91, 90.97]), azim=array([27.59, 26.69, 26.72]), surface_latitude=29.90829443997491, surface_longitude=47.68852083021084, tvd=array([0., 8.80141137, 8.03341735]), n_s_deviation=array([0., 177.2584235 , 266.58772113]), e_w_deviation=array([0., 90.86066456, 135.79840877]), dls=array([0., 2.44319979, 1.05999298]), surface_x=759587.9344606012, surface_y=3311661.864846832, x_points=array([759587.9344606 , 759615.62879116, 759629.3258156 ]), y_points=array([3311661.86484683, 3311715.89321431, 3311743.12078423]), zone_number=38, zone_letter='R', latitude_points=array([29.90829435, 29.90877556, 29.90901812]), longitude_points=array([47.68852365, 47.68882331, 47.68897163]), isHorizontal=array(['Vertical', 'Horizontal', 'Horizontal'], dtype='<U10') ) """ for k, v in kwargs.items(): print(k, v) # check if surface lat and long are provided, else, use crs_transform to transform surface x and y if self.deviation_survey_obj.surface_latitude is None and self.deviation_survey_obj.surface_longitude is None: self.crs_transform(**kwargs) self.minimum_curvature_algorithm() # get minimum curvature points self.calculate_lat_lon_from_deviation_points() # get lat lon points self.calculate_horizontal() # calc horizontal