Source code for welltrajconvert.deviation_survey

from welltrajconvert.data_object import *

[docs]@dataclass class DeviationSurvey(DataObject): """ Dataclass for Directional Survey Points takes a single `DataObject` and validates and serializes it. Then converts it into a Dataclass object of Deviation Survey points, ensuring that all the correct data types are present for later calculations. :parameter: wellId: (required) Unique well identification id md: (required) measured depth is the actual depth of the hole drilled to any point along the wellbore or to total depth, as measured from the surface location inc: (required) inclination angle, the angular measurement that the borehole deviates from vertical. azim: (required) azimuth degrees, the hole direction is measured in degrees (0 to 360°) surface_latitude: (required) surface hole latitude surface_longitude: (required) surface hole longitude tvd: true vertical depth from surface to the survey point. n_s_deviation: north south deviation for each point in the wellbore path. e_w_deviation: east west deviation for each point in the wellbore path. dls: Dogleg severity is a measure of the change in direction of a wellbore over a defined length, measured in degrees per 100 feet of length. surface_x: Surface Easting component of the UTM coordinate surface_y: Surface Northing component of the UTM coordinate x_points: Easting component of the UTM coordinate y_points: Northing component of the UTM coordinate zone_number: Zone number of the UTM coordinate zone_letter: Zone letter of the UTM coordinate latitude_points: The latitude value of a location in the borehole. A positive value denotes north. Angle subtended with equatorial plane by a perpendicular from a point on the surface of a spheriod. longitude_points: The longitude value of a location in a borehole. A positive value denotes east. Angle measured about the spheroid axis from a local prime meridian to the meridian through the point. isHorizontal: Array of strings, Vertical Or Horizontal depending on Inclination angle point :returns: dataclass obj: Dataclass DirectionalSurvey object """ wellId: str md: np.ndarray inc: np.ndarray azim: np.ndarray surface_latitude: float = field(default=None, metadata={'unit': 'float'}) surface_longitude: float = field(default=None, metadata={'unit': 'float'}) tvd: np.ndarray = field(default=None, metadata={'unit': 'float'}) n_s_deviation: np.ndarray = field(default=None, metadata={'unit': 'float'}) e_w_deviation: np.ndarray = field(default=None, metadata={'unit': 'float'}) dls: np.ndarray = field(default=None, metadata={'unit': 'float'}) surface_x: float = field(default=None, metadata={'unit': 'float'}) surface_y: float = field(default=None, metadata={'unit': 'float'}) x_points: np.ndarray = field(default=None, metadata={'unit': 'float'}) y_points: np.ndarray = field(default=None, metadata={'unit': 'float'}) zone_number: int = field(default=None, metadata={'unit': 'int'}) zone_letter: str = field(default=None, metadata={'unit': 'str'}) latitude_points: np.ndarray = field(default=None, metadata={'unit': 'float'}) longitude_points: np.ndarray = field(default=None, metadata={'unit': 'float'}) isHorizontal: np.ndarray = field(default=None, metadata={'unit': 'str'})
[docs] def from_json(self): super().from_json()
[docs] def serialize(self): super().serialize()
[docs] def validate(self): """ validate different parameters to ensure that the data in the DataObject will work with the directional survey functions """ # a bunch of validation functions def validate_array_length(self): """ validate the length of the array, ensure md, inc, and azim are equal lengths :return: pass or ValueError """ md_len = len( inc_len = len( azim_len = len(self.azim) if inc_len == md_len and azim_len == md_len: pass else: raise ValueError(f"Validation Error: Array lengths must be equal," f" md length: `{md_len}` inc length: `{inc_len}` azim length: `{azim_len}`") def validate_array_sign(self): """ validate md and inc are not negative :return: pass of ValueError """ if any(neg < 0 for neg in is False: pass else: raise ValueError(f"Validation Error: MD array has negative values") if any(neg < 0 for neg in is False: pass else: raise ValueError(f"Validation Error: INC array has negative values") def validate_lat_long_range(self): """ validate that the surface lat and long are between the acceptable ranges :return: pass of ValueError """ if self.surface_latitude is not None and self.surface_longitude is not None: if -90 <= self.surface_latitude <= 90: pass else: raise ValueError(f"Validation Error: surface_latitude" f" has values outside acceptable range: {self.surface_latitude}") if -180 <= self.surface_longitude <= 180: pass else: raise ValueError(f"Validation Error: surface_longitude " f"has values outside acceptable range: {self.surface_longitude}") def validate_wellId(self): """ validate that wellId is a string, it needs to be a single wellId value not a list or array of wellIds :return: pass or TypeError """ wellId_type = type(self.wellId) if wellId_type is str: pass else: raise TypeError(f"Validation Error: wellId has type {wellId_type}") def validate_array_monotonic(self): """ check if array is monotonically increasing, always increasing of staying the same :return: True or ValueError """ # get the diff between each element dx = np.diff( # if they are greater than zero, then the array is always increasing in the positive direction if np.all(dx >= 0) == True: pass else: raise ValueError(f"Validation Error: MD array must monotonically increase") # TODO: validation for Azim between 360 and 0, if not correct it # TODO: validation for Inc between 0 and 90 (or 100)? # TODO: no NaNs # run validation functions validate_array_length(self) validate_array_sign(self) validate_wellId(self) validate_lat_long_range(self) validate_array_monotonic(self)
[docs] def deserialize(self): """ convert dict values to their proper deserialized dict values converts lists to np.arrays if not None converts value to float if not None converts value to int if not None converts value to str if not None :parameter: DataObject params :return: DataObject params deserialized as floats, str, int, or np.arrays """ self.wellId = to_type(self.wellId, str) = to_type(, np.array) = to_type(, np.array) self.azim = to_type(self.azim, np.array) self.surface_latitude = to_type(self.surface_latitude, float) self.surface_longitude = to_type(self.surface_longitude, float) self.tvd = to_type(self.tvd, np.array) self.n_s_deviation = to_type(self.n_s_deviation, np.array) self.e_w_deviation = to_type(self.e_w_deviation, np.array) self.dls = to_type(self.dls, np.array) self.surface_x = to_type(self.surface_x, float) self.surface_y = to_type(self.surface_y, float) self.x_points = to_type(self.x_points, np.array) self.y_points = to_type(self.y_points, np.array) self.zone_number = to_type(self.zone_number, int) self.zone_letter = to_type(self.zone_letter, str) self.latitude_points = to_type(self.latitude_points, np.array) self.longitude_points = to_type(self.longitude_points, np.array) self.isHorizontal = to_type(self.isHorizontal, np.array)
[docs] def __post_init__(self): """ validate all data, serialized all validated data, look in all fields and types, if type is None pass, else if type given doesnt match dataclass type raise error """ self.validate() self.deserialize() for (name, field_type) in self.__annotations__.items(): if not isinstance(self.__dict__[name], field_type): current_type = type(self.__dict__[name]) if current_type is type(None): pass else: raise ValueError(f"The field `{name}` was assigned by `{current_type}` instead of `{field_type}`")